The Office of General Affairs
- The Office of General Affairs
- Assets Division
- Cashier Division
- Diversity,Construction and Maintenance Division
- Campus Sanitation and Security
The Office of General Affairs
Service Center:Office of General Affairs 1F
Tel: 02-26212121 Ext.1301、1302
The Office of General Affairs is a unit in charge of general campus planning and management of all campus trivial affairs, serving both fundamental infrastructure and back-up support for a better campus marked by safety, health, and sustainable development. The Office of General Affairs contains six divisions: General Service Division, Construction and Maintenance Division, Procurement Division, Property Administration Division, The Cashier’s Division,Property Management Division, and Campus Hygiene & Security Division.
Assets Division
Service Center:Office of General Affairs 1F
Tel: 02-26212121 Ext.1351、1352、1353、1354
- Procurement of the contracting of construction work, the purchase or lease of property, the retention or employment of services
- Procurement of open bidding and limited bidding
- Procurement of the inter-entity supply contract
- Procurement of government or programs grant
- Procurement of environmental protection product
- Formulation of procurement act.
(Property Management)
Service Center:Office of General Affairs B1
Tel: 02-26212121 Ext.1321、1322、1323
- the designing and revising of regulations
- the controlling, contracting and finalizing of lands, facilities and equipment
- the cataloguing and labeling of properties and equipment
- the controlling of write-off inventory and the disposing of recyclable materials
- the cataloguing of subsidized equipment’s from Ministry of Science and Technology and Administration of Education
- the supply of consumables and non- consumables items
- the supply of each department’s stationery and other items
- the cataloguing and labeling of properties and equipment from departments
- the purchasing, inspecting and inventorying of stocked items
- the supporting various equipment for school’s and department’s activities
Cashier Division
Service Center:Administration Building 1F
Tel: 02-26212121 Ext.1321、1322、1323
- Around the 21 and 28 of every month, faculty/staff salary will be disbursed.
- The deduction of the faculty/staff member’s income tax is made by the Cashier Section.
- The Cashier takes charge of receiving various fees and payments from the faculty, staff, and students, such as tuition/school fee, summer class tuition, credit fee for extended study period, application fees of all forms of student ID
- The Cashier also distributes scholarships and work-study fees.
- The procurement of environmental protection product.
- The formulation of procurement act.
Diversity,Construction and Maintenance Division
(Construction and Maintenance Division)
Service Center:Administration Building 1F
Tel: 02-26212121 Ext.1141、1142、1143、1144、1146、1147
- the repair and maintenance of facilities, equipment and consumables
- The construction and maintenance of university properties and buildings
(Diversity Division)
Service Center:Diversity Affairs-Iron house
Tel: 02-26212121 Ext.1311、1312、1316、1361
- the repair and maintenance of facilities, equipment and consumables
- The construction and maintenance of university properties and buildings
Campus Sanitation and Security
Service Center:Diversity Affairs-Iron house
Tel: 02-26212121 Ext.1313
- Environmental health and safety policy
- Environmental health and safety education
- Prevention of occupational disasters
- Laboratory hazard potential management
- Environmental protection management (lab waste, and toxic chemicals)
- Planning and execution TOSHMS
- Planning and implementation of health and safety regulations Contractors
- Regular monitoring and inspection of environmental safety and health